
audience        2010

The piece takes place on a small stage, (or in a stage-like setting). I walk out, naked, and place a microphone stand in front of me. The microphone stand is actually part of a karaoke machine that can generate audience sounds such as cheers, laughs, and boos. Throughout the performance I say nothing. I consider the possibility of performing. I remain positioned behind the microphone stand, and intermittently activate the canned audience noises.
It is a short performance (4-5 minutes) that ends with me repeatedly activating the applause noise until the viewers present begin to applaud. I then walk off stage with microphone.
I am interested in enacting an awareness of “performing” oneself in our increasingly mediated world. When are we performing? When are we aware of an audience?
This piece was first performed live as part of Diane’s Circus.














audience 2010 | 2012 | circus
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